Listen Now (34 mins) One way to remember yoga is to learn about the timelines of the spiritual traditions and cultures that yoga emerged from. Yoga was first mentioned in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, which were passed on orally for centuries before being written down (mantras and mnemonics!). They are filled with rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, mantras and benedictions. As time went on, spiritual discourse evolved into the
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#3 Don't Forget the Vedas with Austin…
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Listen Now (34 mins) One way to remember yoga is to learn about the timelines of the spiritual traditions and cultures that yoga emerged from. Yoga was first mentioned in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, which were passed on orally for centuries before being written down (mantras and mnemonics!). They are filled with rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, mantras and benedictions. As time went on, spiritual discourse evolved into the