Featuring an interview with one of our heroes in the movement, Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The interview was conducted by Derek at the 2008 Farm Sanctuary Hoe Down. Sea Shepherd is an organization committed to the eradication of pirate whaling, poaching, shark finning, unlawful habitat destruction, and violations of established laws in the World's oceans. During the last two decades Captain Watson has taken his ships out on over 160 missions to disrupt illegal whaling, the Canadian seal hunt, and dolphin slaughter in Japan. His insight into the consequences that overfishing of our oceans will have on the survival of the human species are sobering.
We also have a special in-studio guest, Paul Saccone. Paul has been a fan and supporter of Vegan Radio since he found us at the Veggie Pride Parade in NYC this summer. He is himself an activist and advocate for the animals, and has been hooking us up with some great interviews and connections. We can now also say that he has a great voice for radio and insightful things to talk about. In the news find out what an egg a day, Japan's dolphin meat, the western diet being adopted in India, and frog leg pizza have in common... they all make you get sick and will probably cause you an early death. On the other hand Kale will make you see better and improve your sex appeal. So eat like you give a damn!
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