Our 52nd show falls on Valentine's Day this year, and we feature an interview with the author of My Sweet Vegan: passionate about dessert, Hannah Kaminsky. Hannah is only 19 years old and attends UMass college in Amherst, making her a local vegan celebrity! Hannah was noticed by a publishing company due to the popularity and quality of her BitterSweet blog. You are guaranteed to be inspired by this young vegan dessert chef! We also feature an interview with Julie Janovsky, Farm Sanctuary's Campaign Director, talking about the FDA's decision allowing cloned meat be sold to the public. We discuss the imminent release of Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Baur's book Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food.
We cover Mark Bittman’s NY Times article Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler, and the Wall Street Journal's story about NFL star Tony Gonzalez's conversion to a plant-based diet, The 247 lb. Vegan. Scott gives us a scientific study claiming that fast food being toxic to your liver and busts out his guitar to serenade us. Our featured vegan music is the song Drinking Gasoline by Ben Godwin.
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