Don't Forget to Breathe
Vegan Radio
48: Liz Lovely and Mark Braunstein

48: Liz Lovely and Mark Braunstein

Our 48th show features an interview with Liz Holtz, co-founder of vegan cookie-maker Liz Lovely. Our own vegan baker Megan Shackelford talks shop with Liz about just what it is that makes their vegan cookies so freakin good. We feature a listener-submitted clip of a talk that Mark Mathew Braunstein gave at the NorthEastern Connecticut Vegetarian Society in June called "Why and How to Wean from Cow: Milk's Utter Truth and Udder Nonsense". Also Vegan Hanukkah and further developments with Dave Warwak.

In the News: John Mackey (Whole Foods CEO), John Mackey's Secret Online Alter Ego

Featured Music: The Noisies (featured song "Dairy Trucks Are Circling My House”), Beloved Binge (opening song "Why Vegan")